Creating Memories That Inspire

Is it just me or does life seem to move even more swiftly the older you get? What is up with that?! It seems that it was just yesterday that I graduated from college or better yet from high school in the year 1987 with mullets, trans ams, and 80’s big hair metal bands. Life doesn’t seem to slow down and at times I wish I could put a quarter in the juke box of history and go back to a less busy time in life but time travel hasn’t been invented yet no matter what Doc Brown says (there I go with another 80’s reference).

With this in mind I approach this post with some thoughts on time, life, and memories. If you and I are not careful we can become so busy with life and things that we neglect to slow down and recognize the importance of creating memories into the fabric of the family.  We have tried as parents to celebrate special mile markers in the life of our children so that they will move forward having memories of these moments.  I think it is important to provide these memories. They always tend to solidify relationships within the family structure.  I have so many fond memories of growing up and those memories inspire me often. So, as I was thinking about this, three things came to mind that I wanted to share:

Learn To Celebrate The Little Things – sometimes we only celebrate the big things of life… special birthdays, graduations, new jobs etc.  Learn to celebrate all the little things that come into your life or the life of your children.  In my opinion NOTHING is too small to recognize.  Celebrate when that tooth falls out or they win best picture at the fair.  If you and I don’t pay attention to our kids – someone will!  And that attention will more than likely not be something that is positive.

Remember Next Steps Lead To Next Levels – a friend of mine says this often and it so true.  Learn to recognize that the next steps in life lead to new levels of maturity, experience and understanding.  Learn to shift your attention to those next levels of life and lead from a higher vantage point.  It is hard to give someone directions when you are standing on step 1 when they are at the top of the stairs!  Every new step requires new faith and new courage. Don’t be afraid to take the journey higher.

Create A Culture Where Change Is Welcome – kids grow up!  I know that is something you never thought of (LOL) but it is true.  Before you know it your children will be grown and gone and if you struggle with change or resist it, you are going to have a hard time in life.  I have watched many parents refuse to relinquish the past and try to hold on to what the family looked like 20 years ago!  That is impossible and damaging to your family. 35 year olds probably shouldn’t still be living at home being burped by their mother every 3 hours!  Learn to create a culture where change is exciting and welcomed as the next adventure with possibilities that are endless.

I trust you create memories that will inspire your children long into their adult life.  It is worth the extra effort you put in, I promise you!