God’s Not Finished

My life hasn’t always been one of unwavering faith.  To be honest I am not sure there are many of us that can say our go-to, our default – has always leaned in the direction of faith.  I wish it has but most of the time it has been a work in progress to get myself to always think “faith” first in the difficulties that life brings my way.  

It is safe to say that all of us wish we had another chance at past situations.  A do-over if you will.  Another opportunity to make better decisions.  The past is the past, but I hope it develops something in us for where we are now and the future that is before us.  

As I contemplate these thoughts on an early Monday morning, I am reminded of the simple truth – God is not done with me yet!  In fact, I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s writing in Philippians 1:6: 

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (ESV)

This encourages me because it tells me that I am not finished, He is still working on me and I am continuing to be molded, shaped and formed into the likeness of the one who died for me!  This is comforting to know that even though I may not be where I know I should be, God is still working in me!  He is not finished with me yet!! 

This is good news for me, and this is good news for you!  He is not finished working in you!  He is still developing you even in the midst of your struggles, hang ups, past mistakes etc etc etc….

When I think of this, it allows me to get the focus off of myself and on Jesus.  When we recognize that God’s not done with us, that we are all masterpieces in the making, it draws us in a little closer to Jesus.  We depend on Him more and more.  

When our focus is shifted to Jesus, we see his selflessness and his life of servanthood.  We see His unfailing love and concern for the church, and we see the image to which all of us are being conformed.  

This should transform us into joining with Christ in the greatest mission the world will ever see and that is reaching for people that are lost and undone.  This is why we are continually being shaped and transformed.  No matter what it looks like in the world, in our cities or in our lives, God is taking us through a process of purpose!  His thoughts toward us are GOOD and He has a great path ahead for all of us to walk upon.  That is why you should NEVER give up!  God has great things in store for you so stay strong and keep moving forward.