Do You Understand?

Things are rapidly changing in our family and I DON’T LIKE IT! Now that I have your attention let me explain. There is nothing wrong, no one is freaking out in the Sargent household (unless you want to discuss the dance moves my son tries to do on occasion, that’s a bit freaky), but we are entering the stage of life where the dynamics of our family are definitely changing.

My wife and I, along with our youngest daughter are on a little mini vacation and the two oldest kids were not able to join us due to their work schedule. It just got me thinking how quickly life moves on without regard to any of us.  I miss the days when all 5 of us could get in a car and go on a road trip and just spend hours laughing and having fun. Now things are different but such are the seasons of life.

If we are not careful we can get stuck in certain seasons and refuse to move forward into the next chapter that God and life is writing for us. Each chapter unfolds with its own plot and direction, introducing us to new challenges and perspectives. But underneath it all, I do believe that there are certain principles that remain. They are the bedrock of our direction and must be acknowledged in order for us to remain who and what God created us to be.

As I reflect on this new chapter, I am reminded of the importance of understanding who we are and the role we each must play in this journey called life.  I refuse to sit idly by and let life pass me by without investing my life in things that have eternal value.  But in order to fully embrace that idea we must have a full understanding of who we are and what we have been called to do.  Life cannot be lived accidentally!  It must be lived ON PURPOSE and in order to do that I believe there are three things we must understand:

Understand Your Uniqueness – No one on this planet is YOU!  You have been divinely and uniquely crafted by your Creator to be YOU!  One of the areas of my life that I have had to constantly work on is understanding that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that God created me to be ME and I have to accept that.  Many people struggle with this and refuse to understand the purpose of their life and uniqueness.  I recently launched a brand new podcast called “The Darin Sargent Show” that is geared toward helping all of us move into the arena of potential in order to BE everything we were created to be! Check it out by following the link above or going to THE PODCAST PAGE here on this website. Here is something else we must understand –

Understand Your Destiny – I am a firm believer that every person on this planet has a very distinct and unique destiny. It is something only you can fulfill.  The biggest trap, that can stop you from fulfilling it, is to think you do not have any purpose and your life has no meaning.  That is the biggest lie that has ever been believed.  March through the Word of God and you will be reminded you and I have purpose and we must embrace that purpose, no matter what it may be, and go after it with all that is within us! I know you have a destiny that has been handcrafted by your Creator and greatness awaits you. Finally,

Understand Your Legacy – As I stated above, each of us must remember to invest our lives in those things that will outlive us, things that are eternal.  By doing this we are securing a legacy that will live on even when we are gone.  I want my friends and my family to see a legacy I will one day leave behin, which will continue to impact others even if I am not around.  In order for that to happen I must continue to invest my time, talent and treasure in the eternal things.  The weight of this often is heavy but is worth it in the end. Your legacy is vitally important.

It is much easier at times to just accept things for what they are, allowing fear to dictate our direction but let me remind you:

This is not the time to fear the possibilities of what you have in front of you, but it is time to embrace those opportunities as potential change agents in your life, moving you into position for greatness.

I often have to sit down and look at the direction of my life and if need be, make a course correction along the way.  BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!  Direction is so vital in life and I want to make sure I am moving in the right direction in order to make the full impact that God has called me to make.  Take time to reflect where you are, where you are going and what you have been called to do with the one life you have been given.  Thousands may one day thank you for the investment you made!